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Business is hard. We're making it easy with AgriRoots Emerging Leaders Institute.

Understanding the financial side of your business shouldn't be complicated. With Emerging Leaders Institute, we're providing the experts to help guide you and your business to success.

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"Starting my business 15 years ago was stressful, and trying to learn financial skills at the same time wasn't easy. It's why I'm committed to helping provide resources and opportunities to new agribusiness owners when I can. I think the AgriRoots Emerging Leaders Institute is exactly the type of program needed to strengthen ag financial literacy and provides the kind of tools I wish I would have had back when I started.".

- Josh McDonald, Blue Sky Farms

Capital Farm Credit

Serving Texas ranchers since 1916.

We've launched the AgriRoots Emerging Leaders Institute to make finance fun and provide you the tools and resources from experts to help grow your business.

Emerging Leaders Institute

Learn valuable insights into what lenders are looking for, how to build your financial business team and engage with other farmers and ranchers in your area and across the state!

  • Hear from experts in ag business

  • Gain valuable tools and resources

  • Engage with your peers

  • Financial solutions

Farmers shaking hands

Institute Course Outline

Six short sessions to help build your business plan and financial success team, along with what financial documents are important when seeking financial services.

  • Session 1 - Business Planning and Goal Setting

  • Session 2 - Building Your Financial Team

  • Session 3 - Financial Documentation Deep Dive

  • Session 4 - Did You Make a Profit?

  • Session 5 - Business and Personal Balance Sheets

  • Session 6 - Cash Flow Analysis

If finding and understanding financial solutions for your agribusiness feels like another task you have to do instead of get to do, this FREE institute is for you.

Apply Today